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Medication Administration FAQ

How to use the new Help desk portal?

In order to learn how to  use the new help desk portal, please open our informational document. This document:  Helpdesk: How to Access New Help Desk Ticketing Systemcontains tips about how to fill out the ticket in order to receive the best service.  In order to open a ticket, click here:    How to access Help Desk User Portal  You can open a ticket right here.  Please note that you may need to check your spam folder if you don’t receive a reply.


How can my agency be added to the system if I can't find it? How does an agency designate their Agency Administrator and Primary Contact for the online registration process?

In order to implement add your agency to the system you must complete the Agency Entity Role Designation Form. Also in order to implement the on-line registration process, each Agency/Entity will need to identify individuals to fill two roles for the Agency/Entity. In order to register a staff for the Train the Trainer course and use the on-line registration process, each Agency/Entity must identify an Agency Administrator and Primary Contact(s).  If this information is not received, your Agency/Entity will not be able to register staff for the training.

Please complete the information in the Agency Entity Role Designation Form so that your Agency/Entity’s “Agency Administrator and Primary Contact/s” can be identified in the Medication Administration On-line Registration system and submit the form by opening a ticket and creating the category, Agency Entity Role Designation issue.

Submit a ticket

FYI:  Here is a description of each role and its responsibilities.

After the requested information has been received, the person(s) identified will receive an email with his/her username and password for the role in which they have been designated.


Need information on Certification Forms- Initial Certification and Annual Practicum?

The following two forms were revised in July 2017.  It is not mandatory that you use them.  You may continue to use the forms you used previously.

Updated_Initial Summary Certification Form_2017

Updated_Annual Practicum_rev 2017


When is remediation required?

For remediation clarifications for the online student course, certified trainers can log in to Trainer Resources. Once logged in, scroll down to the Student Testing and Training area to find the Remediation Clarifications webcast.

The webcast clarifies when remediation is required for the initial training of students in the online course. The webcast contains scenarios about:

  • When remediation is not required,
  • When remediation is required,
  • And, when the specific type of remediation is at the trainer’s discretion.

Also included in the webcast are tips about transferring student testing scores from the online student course to the Summary and Certification Form for Initial Training.


What is the passing score for students?

As stated in the Student Training, Testing and Monitoring webcast of Lesson 12, in order to become certified to administer medication, the student must earn 90 points or more on the testing components; which includes the Multiple Choice exam, Written Documentation exam, and Handwashing and Gloving Skills, and successfully complete 4 medication observations.


How do I access the free download for Adobe Flash Player?

Go to the website.
  • On the black navigation bar at the top of the screen click on Download
  • In the drop down that appears, select Adobe Flash Player
  • On the next page, click on the gold Install Now button


How do I access my Trainer Certificate?

  •  Log in using your Username and Password.
  • (Next screen) Click on Courses & Registration.
  • (Next screen) Click on My Certificate.
  • Save your certificate to your computer.
  • Print your certificate.
  • (Recommendation) Make a copy of the certificate for yourself and the agency


Need hints to take the Written Documentation - (MAR) Part 2?

Review this document to avoid some common issues that generate incorrect answers on the Exam (the document provides hints and does not answer any specific exam questions):

Hints for Written Doc Exam_Part2_MAR


What if I am unable to find “My Agency information” when registering online?

If your Agency information is not listed in the drop-down field, it is because your agency has not submitted the necessary information as requested according to the ODP Announcement 084-11 dated July 1, 2011. This Announcement explained the new Medication Administration Online Registration process that began August 1, 2011. The Announcement requested Agency/Entity Directors to identify an Agency/Entity Administrator and a Primary Contact person to manage and register those taking the Train the Trainer or Recertification courses. If your Agency/Entity has not responded to the request, your information is not in the system and you will not be able to register. To correct the information, send the Medication Administration Program On-line Registration Letter below to the contact identified in the letter.  For additional information refer to:


What if my username is already used?

If you receive an error message when creating your profile that your username is already in use, consider two things:

  1. If you have registered in the past, use the Forgot Password link located under Registration & Login on the black navigational banner of the Main Website to ensure that you do not have to register as a new user.
  2. If you have not registered in the past and the username you selected is already in use (identified in the error message) by another person, select another username by revising your initial attempt..


What if I don’t know my Username or Password?

If you have registered in the past on the Medication Administration Website, use the Forgot Password link under Registration & Login located on the black navigational banner of the Main Website and follow the directions provided.

If you are unsure whether you are registered as a user on the Medication Administration Website, the Primary Contact for your agency can access the site and let you know.  If you have further questions contact the help desk.


What is my role as an Administrator?

The Administrator manages the agency/entity profile.  The Administrator also manages primary contacts by:

  • Adding a new Primary Contact (name, email address, address, phone)
  • Updating an existing Primary Contact
  • Deactivating a Primary Contact


What is my role as a Primary Contact?

The Primary Contact role is to manage primary contact profile, employee profiles, verify employment, approve employee requests to participate in training and provide online payment for the employee to participate in the course. The Primary Contact:

  • Assists Users with Registration
  • Updates Profile including deactivating a person’s employment
  • Verifies Employment by
    • Logging in as Primary Contact
    • Clicking on Request tab
    • Confirming Employment
  • Provides online payment for individuals registering training
  • Receives notification of employees pass/fail of course
  • Access to employee trainer certificate


What is the cost of the course?

The fee schedule for the 2013-2014 Medication Administration Train the Trainer and Recertification courses is:




























Chapter 11



All Chapters



*One free training per year if the agency has SSI residents (Please Note: Free training cannot be used for Recertification)


As a certified trainer, can I continue to teach the old course after I have been trained in the new course?

Trainers who are certified in both the old course and the new course:

  • Currently, may train students using either course, regardless of the date of expiration of certification in the old course.

  • Must transition to the new course by June 30, 2019.

Providers are being given this phase-in option so that each agency can develop a plan to transition to the new course on the timeline that works best for the agency. It is expected that all agencies will be fully transitioned to the new course by June 30, 2017.

Materials and support for the old course will be available until June 30, 2017.


Is there a refund policy?

Yes, there is a refund policy.  Once a training participant has started the Train the Trainer online course work, refunds will not be granted.

Transfer of funds to another employee/trainer candidate can be granted upon request by the Agency’s Primary Contact only when there has been a termination of employment, medical emergency, unanticipated medical leave, or death prior to the start of the online testing and upon request.

To request a refund the Agency’s Primary Contact can contact the help desk.

Download a complete copy of the Refund Policy.


How can the Trainer request a Paper Exam rather than Administer an online Exam for Students certifying to Pass Meds?

The Trainer may request a paper exam by sending an email request to  – The trainer will receive a form to complete in order for the exam (and answer sheet to be sent.  You must be a trainer in our system in order to request and receive a Paper Exam.

Please review:  Medication Administration_How to request Paper Exams


What are Training Requirements for a Student to be certified to Pass Meds?

Successful Completion of the following is required:

  • Student Course
  • Multiple Choice and Written Documentation Exams
  • Handwashing and Gloving
  • 4 Medication Observations

Please review for More Details:  Initial Training Requirements to Pass Medications