Veterans' Institute for Entrepreneurship


Registration and pricing details coming soon!


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Who's it for?

Although uniquely tailored to assist veteran entrepreneurs, VIE is open to anyone considering:

  • Starting a business
  • Creating a new product or service
  • Buying an established small business
  • Taking over a family-owned business
  • Buying a franchise

What to Expect

The Veterans Entrepreneurship Institute (VIE) is a 25-week certificate program that equips participants with the practical and relevant knowledge, skills, and resources needed to organize, build, and operate a business. It focuses on the critical role that knowledge, innovation, and dogged-perseverance play in driving your unique entrepreneurial vision.

Following this classroom instruction, students work independently and one-on-one with faculty and mentors 8-10 hours per week for an additional 10 weeks.

Learning Objectives

Students completing this course will be able to:

  1. Identify and explain the individual and social benefits of entrepreneurism and small business.

  2. Develop a working business model that details the key components of their business idea.

  3. Quantify, assess, and demonstrate market and technical feasibility of the service/product for their business idea.

  4. Assess and demonstrate the financial feasibility of their business plan.

  5. Finalize their business model and develop a polished story presentation about their opportunity and plans for implementation.


